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 Company news => Invited Lecture in MRS-Japan 2010 Print】 【Back
Published date: [1/23/2011]    Read [3857] times
    PTL staff presented an invited lecture in the 20th MRS-Japan Academic Symposia held in Yokohama,power cord Japan from 20th Dec to 22th Dec 2010. The topic of the invited presentation was "Industrial and Biomedical Applications of Plasma Technology" in the following session: ========================================================= Session S: Innovative Material Technologies Utilizing Ion Beams (International Session) ========================================================= http://mrs-j.com/main/?q=en/2010sessionlist ========================================================= 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片
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